If the world’s water supply were only 100 liters (26 gallons), our usable water supply of fresh water would be only about 0.003 liter (one-half teaspoon
Earth Overshoot Day
Earth Overshoot Day this year is 29 July. It’s the date that humans’ use of ecological resources and services exceeds what Earth can regenerate in a year. https://inhabitat.com/earth-overshoot-day-2021-has-arrived-what-does-it-mean-for-the-planet/
Informal Sector
A World Bank analysis shows that the informal sector – firms and workers outside the line of sight of governments in emerging market and developing economies – accounts for about a third of GDP and more than 70 percent of employment. Why are we not talking about it?
World Heritage Sites
2020-2021 nominations for the UNESCO World Heritage Sites is an interesting mix of natural and cultural sites! https://en.unesco.org/news/unesco-world-heritage-committee-session-be-hosted-china-after-one-year-hiatus Why is this important to most of the rest of us? Pride of place, that’s why. It will improve our connection to our local communities, and therefore our qualities of life as well.
Increasing numbers of refugees
It’s the 21st century. The number of people leaving their homes due to persecution, conflict, violence, and human rights violations has increased to 82.4 million. That’s almost 1 every 4 seconds. Look around you, think about that.
Ecosystem Restoration
To encourage the revival of ecosystems everywhere, UNEP has published a practical guide to ecosystem restoration. Released at the start of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030, the Ecosystem Restoration Playbook provides an introduction to the range of actions that can slow and halt the degradation of ecosystems and foster their recovery. https://unenvironment.widen.net/s/ffjvzcfldw/ecosystem-restoration-playbook
World Oceans Day
8 June Globally, the United Nations has designated today as: World Oceans Day.GDRC has been working on themes related to this international day, in the research programmes on Oceans, Coasts and Small Islands. GDRC reaffirms its commitment to uphold the objectives of this Day, and work towards better understanding of, and action on, highlighting the…
Energy for all
To achieve SDG 7 on energy, we need to accelerate use of renewables, and address need for equal access to energy for all. Read full report … https://trackingsdg7.esmap.org/downloads
World Environment Day
5 June Globally, the United Nations has designated today as: World Environment Day.GDRC has been working on themes related to this international day, in the research programmes on (1) Sustainable Development and (2) Urban Environmental Management GDRC reaffirms its commitment to uphold the objectives of this Day, and work towards better understanding of, and action…
Climate will not wait
Paris accord rules must be wrapped up this year, says UN climate chief. The pandemic has delayed official talks until now, but the pressure is back on governments to make progress ahead of the Glasgow COP26 and speed up climate action. https://news.trust.org/item/20210531155939-fnhiq/